How to connect linux wpa_supplicant to Virgin Media wifi public hotspots

This is a basic guide which may vary depending on your flavour of linux for connecting to WPA2 enterprise encrypted hotspots with ssid Virgin Media.

1. You'll need a working username (email address) for virgin media - either your account login or an email address provided by virgin media.

2. edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf as follows:

    ssid="Virgin Media"
    # bssid=5x:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

3. Replace identity and password fields as appropriate.

4. start wpa_supplicant from the command line.

5. Get an ip address with dhclient -4 IF

I believe only one concurrent login (identity field) works at a time but your mileage may vary.
bssid=5x:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx might come in handy if there are a lot of Virgin Media hotspots in the area.
Uncomment the bssid=line and put the address of the VM hotspot with the best siganl in.

Trouble shooting

Check your identity is correct by logging into your virgin account or virgin email account to check
username and password.

Technical note

Once authentications through VM radius server and connected with dhcp, you'll get a NAT ip address locally on 10.x.x.x/16.
This will correspond to a routable ip address which could be registered anywhere in the country, not
necessarily within the ip range used by the AP your connecting through.

Thanks to Neil Alexander. for the initial work on this.