What I know about Hooley Hill railway station, Audenshaw.

This L&NWR (LMS) train station on the Denton & Dukinfield line was closed in 1950.
The booking office and its entrance  was where the allotments
and steep narrow path down to the playing fields are on Mount Pleasant St.
OS Lancashire CV.10 25 Inch Map AUdenshaw published 1935
The line which ran through the blue engineering brick tunnel came
out on the other side of Guide lane. Hooley Hill tunnel lies under that
road and the buildings of Bye Street, Providence Street plus Mount Pleasant
Street. The train line ran right past the side of the yard of Poplar street school
which has now been demolished and re-developed. I recall the signal gantries
or stanchions still present in the mid 1970's, visable from the school boundary
fence. These had been removed by the time the houses were built at the
end of Poplar Street / Enville Street in the late 70's.

Nellie Cheetham at Hooley hill station   <- before  now ->King George Park Audenshaw ariel view

As you can see from the 1940's picture of Aunty Nellie,
one of the platforms’s backed onto the gardens of the 'new' semi's
(town houses) at the bottom of Paradise Street.
This picture was taken with the photographers back to
Hooley hill tunnel entrace, perhaps 30m away.
The building at the end of the fence line was probably
the old Jones sewing machines goods shed.

A number of photographs of this station and the line
where taken by Gordon Coltas before and after the
war but as yet, they have not been traceable.

One picture I found on the councils website:

This shows (what was) the line in the 1970's - Stamford Road council
estate on the right, Guide lane council estate and new private
estate on the edge of the old brick works opposite.

Useful links:

http://www.geocities.com/manchesterlines - Manchester train operators & stations pre nationalisation (archived)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooley_Hill_railway_station - Hooley Hill Wikipedia entry
http://www.tameside.gov.uk/history/ - Photo archive, Tameside council

Come in the front door to my website Last updated 26-January-2019